Good day, dear Visitor, 

If you are feeling stuck in life, stressed or anxious, suffering from addictions, fears, phobias or depression, or psychosomatic diseases, having low self-esteem or need confidence boost, struggling from relationship or communication problems, or emotional issues, or trying to find yourself, increase your life potential or amplify your personal skills, UniveRsal Hypnosis can help you to resolve your problems and reach your goals using one of the fastest and most effective modality of psychotherapeutic aid. 

The unique advantage of the hypnotherapy is its startling effectiveness

How effective and successful is the Hypnotherapy?

Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.D., reviewed the overall lasting success of major psychological approaches. This study revealed following recovery rates
Psychoanalysis recovery
38% after 600 sessions
Behaviour therapy recovery
72% after 22 sessions
Hypnotherapy recovery
93% after 6 sessions

Source: Psychotherapy Magazine (Volume 7, Number 1)


People have been entering into hypnotic-type trances for thousands of years. In many cultures and religions, it was regarded as a form of meditation. State of trance as a tool for health has been known for more than 3000 years: priests of Ancient Egypt, India, Tibet as well as healers of the East used hypnosis in their practices. Later trance was widely used in the Ancient Greece and Rome.

Trance is the unique state of the consciousness involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness. During hypnosis, a person has heightened focus and concentration.

Interesting fact is that trance is absolutely natural state for human beings: everyone goes into natural trance state many times a day, for example, when we are driving on highway, or absorbed in reading of interesting book or watching movie or listening to music, or focused on some monotonic task, or simply dreaming, etc. Psychic restructuring is happening in the trance so state of trance is therapeutic itself.

Hypnotherapist uses trance state to resolve various psychological, psychosomatic, emotional and physical issues of the clients. He/she uses wide range of techniques helping client to find and realize the core of the problem or condition, and then to resolve or overcome it.


Our services include:

  • Integrated Hypnotherapy & Eriсksonian Hypnosis;
  • Regression & Progression Hypnosis (Past Life Regression, Life between Lives, Age Regression, Time Progression);
  • Self-Hypnosis Training and Hypno-Coaching.

If you want to open the door to a new bright life, UniveRsal Hypnosis is here to help you!