My article about Ericksonian Hypnosis in YogaLife ME:

If understood and stimulated in the right manner, profound changes can be achieved when people think they are not addressing a problem at all! It is all about creating those unconscious conditions for change…and change follows naturally, says Anna Kastsiukovich.

When people hear words “hypnosis”, “hypnotherapy”, “trance”, they usually think of an authoritative hypnotist manipulating their states and giving directives, commanding suggestions such as “now you will fall asleep”, “you will stop smoking”, “from this time onwards you will be alcohol-free”, etc.

In fact, people enter a natural state of trance many times a day: highway driving, listening to music, watching TV, “going somewhere else” while reading a book or drifting off while dreaming are the examples of altered states of consciousness with different levels of trance. Sometimes natural trances get noticed and utilised (hypnotherapy or dance for example) but they go unnoticed by people most of the times.

Hypnotherapy is the use of the trance for therapeutic purposes. Traditional or direct hypnotherapy uses commanding suggestions as in the above example. Though direct hypnosis can be really powerful, its suggestions are commonly met with resistance.

Ericksonian therapy and hypnosis is a method of indirect hypnotherapy named after Dr. Milton Erickson.

Dr. Milton Erickson is considered the father of modern hypnotherapy and often referred to as “the greatest therapist who ever lived”. He had unique ability to utilize anything about his clients to help them change; including their beliefs, interests, hobbies, cultural background, habits, etc. He found that indirect suggestions could bring phenomenal results in changing behavioural patterns.

Dr. Milton Erickson’s discoveries have also influenced a wide spectrum of therapy from strategic family therapy to neuro-linguistic programming.

Ericksonian hypnosis is gentle, respectful and subtle method of the hypnotherapy utilizing body language, words of the client, stories, metaphors and other trance techniques to get sound improvements and positive changes in clients’ lives. Resistance here is getting utilized too, so it becomes an ally and not an obstacle.

In Ericksonian hypnosis unconscious mind is considered not as a problem or patterns maker but as a creative, solution-generating and ingenious part of the mind; an immense pool of inner potential and resources such as achievements, health, moments of happiness and joy, positive emotions and successes which each person experienced within his or her life.

Ericksonian therapy and hypnosis specialists believe that clients carry all necessary resources to overcome almost every issue in the life. They aim to empower people to make positive changes, open and activate those powerful resources and potential in each client by a soft yet very effective personalized therapy.

Also, Ericksonian therapy and hypnosis as a method of indirect hypnosis evokes no fear in the clients. Many people feel tension or fear about the hypnotist taking over their mind, pushing them to say things they don’t want to reveal. But when they find themselves going into a trance softly and gently, perhaps, in the middle of normal conversation, feel no manipulation but re-assurance, they tend to re-frame their perceptions and ideas of what hypnosis should feel like. Rapport and trust build easier that opens up potential to explore the problem at the unconscious level.

Ericksonian therapy and hypnosis is grounded in the universal principals of psychology. It is one of highly effective types of solution-focused personalized therapy.

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People think hypnosis is something mysterious and strange. There is good article about real meaning of hypnosis in the "Psychology Today":

"Hypnosis is, perhaps, one of the most misunderstood and controversial methods of psychological treatment. The myths and misconceptions that surround hypnotherapy mostly stem from people’s ideas about stage hypnotism. The truth is that stage hypnotism is essentially a theatrical performance and has about as much in common with bona fide clinical hypnosis as many Hollywood movies have with real life..."

Copyright by Clifford N. Lazarus, Ph.D.

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Power of Hypnotherapy is almost endless. Here you can find 145 ways how it might help you..

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