Примечание: Орфография и пунктуация авторов отзывов сохранена. Полные имена скрыты в целях соблюдения принципа конфиденциальности и защиты частной жизни клиентов.

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At the first place I would like to thank Hanna for her knowledge, skills and experience in the hypnotherapy as well as for her help to remove blocks, uncovering and developmental work on my presenting issue. I had truly polyhedral sessions including past life journeys which brought me deep understanding of the reason of my current situation and blocks. I found that hypnosis is really helpful and effective: inner state of my Soul, my behavior have been changed for the better and my body now feels light and positive.

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I’ve approached Hanna regarding social communication problems, which hold me back at work and regular social life. I didn’t know what exactly hypnotherapy about and how it can help me and I was explained in simple and easy way how therapy works. To my satisfaction there was no unconscious interference, rather controlled guidance. Hanna helped me to release emotional blocks and understand root of some problems. I came to know in which areas of life I underestimate myself and how to regain self-confidence. It was great experience and I am truly thankful to Hanna for changes in my life.

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I was addicted to public opinion and it blocked me from doing things which I personally prefer and I tried to find somebody’s approval before making my own choice. Therefore I had felt I did not live how I want; I just tried to please people that they had a good opinion about me… My experience with Hanna was very satisfying. I received treatment that is actually made me stronger and I forgave several people and now I again can easily communicate with them, I stopped thinking so often about others and trying to please them all the time, now I am more enjoying my life. I feel more confident about my own decisions and my plans for the future. I felt like I let go something heavy, old and painful. I would highly recommend Hanna’s hypnotherapy treatment to anyone who wants to overcome depression, pain, problems. It was great experience, relief and restart of me and my life…
K. M.

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I had several sessions with Hanna on hypnosis in order to treat the relationship with my mother and view of my father. The experience was truly wonderful and I benefited immensely from it. The sessions were always exiting and helped me connect with my inner self. Furthermore, I was always comfortable and felt safe while in hypnotize state. I would not be as strong and confident as I am now if I did not do these sessions. I am very happy that I had the opportunity to attend these sessions and be treated by Hanna. I strongly believe that I was finally able to experience true balance and happiness. By confronting everyone and everything that bothered me in my life and by resolving these issues I can now strive to the best possible person that I can be.
Thank you, Hanna, it was great experience.
T. D.

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It was very interesting experience, started with clear and professional introduction. Hanna has explained the procedure and introduced me into the hypnotherapy. First I had some doubts about the results and process as it is not easy if you haven’t tried it before, but then as soon as we moved on the therapy I started to see the results. Today I am very happy that I have decided to do this therapy and I am very satisfied with results. My food intolerance symptoms are gone and I am very happy about the result. I would like to thank Hanna for the opportunity to get healed and thank her for her professional work.
K. I.

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I had 6 hypnotherapy sessions with Hanna throughout the summer of 2014 to help me to overcome effect of 2 toxic relationships in my life, after which I felt as though I have lost my natural joyfulness and my trust in people. Through various different exercises in hypnosis, Hanna helped me to find myself again and I thank her for all the good she brought back into my life. Hanna is a talented healer.
T. I.

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At the beginning we had telecom with Hanna about key moments of future work.
First meeting scheduled on March 4 was an introduction: explanation of work of conscious and sub-conscious mind and hypnosis. Also key issues were identified and preliminary plan made:
1.    Low self-esteem/confidence;
2.    Dependency on parents’ opinion which creates difficulties and fear to take own decisions;
3.    Alcohol issue.

Also we made a few tests: suggestibility test and corrective therapy.

During therapy sessions we found that one of the reasons of my low self-esteem was dependency on parent’s opinion. Besides that, I discovered repressed fear and grievance at my biological father. We worked these over during first sessions. I was surprised that I had such a grievance somewhere very deep in me. After it was worked over I could accept it, forgive him and let all memories go. Furthermore I finally could feel that I became absolutely free from relationships with him

When we worked over key moments for my dependency on parents’ opinion (especially mother’s), I stopped to have fear and rely on only my mother’s opinion. Some time ago I decided to get married but my mother was pressing me telling that I would never be happy with this man and he is not right person. Even after proposal acceptance I had a lot of doubts looking back on mother’s words that she has more life experience and knows better. These words made me feel more and more doubtful day by day. Moreover fear to take decision was growing up.  

Again, after the therapy, not immediately but after more than 2 weeks, I started to be much calmer and harmonious and I began to feel happiness being together with my fiancé. I no longer have fear or necessity to look back to my parent’s words. Becoming free from fear I suddenly began to clearly see our compatibility with husband-to-be.

My attitude to mother did not change but her influence on me became greatly less like as information is sinking through me but not getting stuck in my head or heart.

I became much more confident not only in myself but in my future. I started to see my future without fear: there may be difficulties but I am not scared and closed from my future.

The most surprising thing was that when we started to work painful moments over, question about alcohol addiction disappeared by itself. As early as in the middle of the therapy I simply stopped to walk for the drink to my kitchen in the evenings.

I am thankful to Hanna for the work she’s done.
K. A.

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After the first course of hypnotherapy that helped me so successfully deal with the first problem, I wanted to solve one more issue that was bothering me: why I attract the wrong men, married men or I am not lucky in the relationship. Through hypnosis I learned that the main issue was my insufficient self love and confidence to wish the best for myself. As a result of my work with Hanna, I started realizing my deep needs and necessities more clearly and started respecting my own feelings and wishes. Having realized that I became more adamant to the demand that my needs for respect, love and my desire to be a priority in my partner’s life – were met and attended to. I was shy to stand up for myself before. I am not anymore. Surprisingly, situation in my relationship changed, though it seemed at the beginning that it would never ever change. I received proposal and an offer to share life with me and make me the number one priority. Now, if I am meeting new people – men see me as “the perfect woman to marry” – I heard that from 2 admires that recently came my way. It was not the case before. So, clearly, the work that Hanna and I have done can be considered very successfully COMPLETED. Thank you very much again, Hanna. Hypnotherapy played a big part in shaping of my “new” personality – personally and professionally. I am very happy with my new Me! And I am very grateful to you for your time, expertise and your kind and genuine desire to help me and other people find the light and happiness.
K. E.